The Button is a fundamental UI element that enables users to perform specific actions within an application. It acts as a trigger for events, such as submitting forms, opening dialog, or navigating to different application sections. Buttons can be customized to enhance user interaction and improve the overall experience. Common Use Cases: Configuration The configuration… Continue reading Button
Author: Saurabh Kumar
The Checkbox element provides a selection control for users to make binary (yes/no or true/false) choices, commonly found in forms and interactive sections within the application. Its use in workflows enables clear, selectable options where multiple responses can be independently chosen. Common Use Cases Configuration The element’s configuration in vFlow 2.0 allows you to customize… Continue reading Checkbox
The Radio-button element allows users to make a single selection from a set of mutually exclusive options. Ideal for cases where only one choice is allowed, this element enhances decision-making by presenting all available options clearly, typically within forms or selection fields. Common Use Cases Configuration The element’s configuration in vFlow 2.0 allows you to… Continue reading Radio-button
The Number element is designed for numerical data input, providing users with an easy way to enter numeric values. It’s suitable for a range of applications, from entering quantities or IDs to inputting specific values like mobile numbers. This element allows flexible formatting options and can be configured with minimum and maximum limits, enhancing control… Continue reading Number
The Range element enables users to select a value within a defined numerical span using a slider, ideal for form inputs or workflows needing precise value control. This element can be configured for minimum and maximum values, as well as other visibility and validation options, ensuring accurate data capture and a seamless user experience. Common… Continue reading Range
Text Area
The Text Area element is designed to handle long-form text, adjusting its size based on the length of the content entered. This adaptive feature enhances readability and usability, allowing users to input detailed information without constraints. Note: Unlike the Text element, the Text Area element is designed to expand based on the length of the… Continue reading Text Area
Type and Search
The Type and Search element in Vahana vFlow 2.0 is a user-friendly input field designed to facilitate text input and real-time search within an application. As users type, the element dynamically filters and displays matching results from a predefined dataset, enhancing ease of access and efficiency. Common Use Cases: Configuration The element’s configuration in vFlow… Continue reading Type and Search
The Multiselect element in Vahana vFlow 2.0 allows users to select multiple options from a predefined list, providing flexibility when multiple responses or choices are needed. This element is useful for forms, data entries, and applications requiring complex user input. Common Use Cases: Configuration The element’s configuration in vFlow 2.0 allows you to customize its… Continue reading Multiselect
The Password element in Vahana vFlow 2.0 is designed to securely capture sensitive information like passwords. This element hides the entered characters for privacy, ensuring that the content remains protected during input. Common Use Cases: Configuration The element’s configuration in vFlow 2.0 allows you to customize its behavior, appearance, and interaction across various devices. Through… Continue reading Password
The Time element is designed to allow users to select or input a specific time within a designated field in an application. The Time element is instrumental in scenarios where precise time input is required, such as scheduling events or setting reminders. Common Use Cases: Configuration The element’s configuration in vFlow 2.0 allows you to… Continue reading Time