
The “Navigate” task lets the user navigate from one page to another page, pop-up screen, etc. When you configure the Navigate task, the selection of the sub task (For example:- Page or Popup) determines what the application will display to the user after the user performs the function.

To configure the Navigate task:

  1. In the Events dialog box, scroll down.
  2. Under Add Tasks, click the Select Task list and then select Navigate, the Select Subtask list opens.
  3. In the Select Subtask list, select a subtask (For example:- Page).
  4. After you select a subtask, click Add Task Config, and the Add Task dialog box opens.
  5. In the Add Task dialog box, click the Configuration area to expand it.
  6. In the Configuration area, you can configure the following properties based on the selected subtask:
Property Description
Page IDClick this list to select a page ID to let the user navigate to the related page.
Form ModeThis property contains the following sub properties:
1. Select Mode:- After you click this list, you can select the following options:
a). Create:- If you select this option, the application will display the form with the blank fields to the user. The user can enter the value in the blank fields.

b). Edit:- If you select this option, the application will display the form with a specific value in the related fields. The user can change the existing values in the fields.

2. Select Form Component ID:- Click this list to select the ID of the component that contains the destination form. After the user performs the function, the application will display the form of the selected component.
SourceThis property contains the following sub properties:
1. Layout Id:- In this field, select the ID of the page where the user performs the function on the element to navigate to another page, form, etc.

2. Row Index:- In this field, enter or select the index (For example:- 2) of the row component where the user performs the function on the element to navigate to another page, form, etc.

3. Column Index:- In this field, enter or select the index (For example:- 3) of the column component where the user performs the function on the element to navigate to another page, form, etc.

4. Component ID:- In this field, select the component (For example:- Tab Component) where the user performs the function on the element to navigate to another page, form, etc.
DestinationThis property contains the following sub properties:
1. Layout Id:- In this field, select the ID of the page that the application displays to the user after the user performs the function on the element on the source page.

2. Row Index:- In this field, select the index (For example:- 2) of a row component. When the user performs the function on the element on the source page, the application displays the selected row’s data to the user on the destination page.

3. Column Index:- In this field, select the index (For example:- 2) of a column component. When the user performs the function on the element on the source page, the application displays the selected column’s data to the user on the destination page.

4. Component ID:- In this field, select a component (For example:- Tab Component). After the user performs the function on the element on the source page, the application displays the selected component’s data to the user on the destination page.
Element IDClick this list and then select the ID of an element. After the user performs the function, the application displays the page that is mapped to the element ID that you selected in the Element ID list.
URLIn this field, enter the URL string that the application displays after the user performs the function on the element. While you configure the URL, you can also define query parameters.

In the query parameters, you need to define the following:
a. Select the parameter type
b. Key (Name of parameter)
c. Value (Parameter’s value)
Component ID or
Select Component ID
In this field, select the ID of a component. The application displays the media in this component after the user performs the function on the element.
Data Path,
Select Type,
Template ID,
Info Visibility, …., Is Downloadable
The Add Task dialog box displays this group of parameters when you select Viewer in the Select Subtask list.

To configure this group of parameters, see the post: Single Image Uploader or Media Uploader.
  1. After you select the values in the related fields, click Submit to successfully configure the NAVIGATE task.
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