Log Analytics
Log Analytics provides data in graphical or tabular formats, aiding high-level configuration and troubleshooting within the application for issues such as bugs, slowness, or system failures.
By analyzing Services Average Time, Traffic (Success), Failures, Service Usage Counts, etcetera. in this set of data, you can identify the service that is underperforming or encountering issues.
It includes four sub-sections:
- Highlights
- Most Used Services
- Most Time Consuming Services
- Services Usage
How to access the Log Analytics section?
- On the Vahana portal’s current page, click the nine-dot icon (), and the Modules panel expands.
- In the Modules panel, see the IT Ops area.
- Under IT Ops, click Analytics, and the Applications page opens.
- On the Applications page, find an application (for example, SHIVA_APP_BREAK) to see its data.
- After you find the application, click it, and the Users and Devices page opens.
- On the Users and Devices page, see the left navigation panel.
- In the left navigation panel, click the Log Analytics icon () to display the Log Analytics section.
- In the Log Analytics section, the Highlights tab is selected by default.
Note:- You can also change the environment by clicking the SAND_BOX list. However, for the time being, “SAND_BOX” is the recommended environment.
The following heading broadly describes different sub-sections of the Log Analytics sub-module.
Log Analytics sub-sections and their components
In the Highlights sub-section, you can view a comparison of the cumulative success rate, failure rate, and average execution time for all services. This data is presented in a table format and can be viewed for today, yesterday, the last 7 days, and the last 10 days.
The Hightlights tab displays the following data values:
Services Average Time | Provides the average time taken by all services in the application. |
It is measured in Milliseconds. | |
If the value of the Service Average Time increases, it means a few services are slow or experiencing failures. | |
Traffic (Success) | This field displays the total number of successful attempts to access the service. |
Failures | Shows the number of unsuccessful attempts to access the service. |
Note:- You can also select different time ranges when a service experienced downtime for a specific time period.
Most used services
This bar graph provides data on the usage count for the top ten most used services for the application. It also allows you to determine the total number of times an application has accessed the service.
The Most used services tab displays the following components:
- The vertical axis (y-axis) represents the count of service usage, while the horizontal axis (x-axis) displays the names of services. Under each bar, you can see the name of the service.
- To get the exact usage number, put your mouse pointer on each bar. The number displayed next to the Direct text specifies the count of the service usage.
- When you click a bar, a detailed data comes into view (The metrics are explained at the end of this article)
- By default, this graph displays results for the last 7 days. You can also define the time range to view data for a number of minutes, days, months, or even years. You can select a value for the time range in the 7 Days list or change it by scrolling down the list to the end.
Most time consuming services
As the name suggests, this line graph displays the average response time for the top ten most time-consuming services. The Log Analytics page displays these service in descending order in terms of time consumption.
This helps you find the service that is not working as expected. Thus, you can find the bug in the service and fix it.
The Most time consuming services tab displays the following data values:
- The vertical axis (y-axis) represents the Average Response Time, while the horizontal axis (x-axis) displays the names of services.
- Average Response Time is the average time taken by a service to return the response.
- To get the exact Average Response Time, put your mouse pointer on each dot. The number displayed next to “Direct” specifies the time in milliseconds.
- When you click a dot, a detailed set of data comes into view (The metrics of the detailed set of data are explained at the end of this article)
- By default, this graph displays results for the last 7 days. However, you can change the time range to view data for any number of minutes, days, months, or even years. You can select a time range by scrolling down the 7 Days list.
Service usage
In this tab, you can view both detailed and high-level data for each service implemented in the application. You can examine metrics such as the number of hits, success rate, failure count, failure percentage, average response time, and average payload size.
This feature allows you to review data for a maximum of five hundred services within the application. It allows you to target specific services for troubleshooting or enhancements from L1 to L3 levels. You can use the Search filter on the top of the Service Usage table and use it to find a specific service.
When you click a record of the service, a set of detailed data comes into view. (You can see metrics of this data at the end of this post.)
The Service usage tab displays the following data values:
Number of Hits | Indicates the total number of times the service was called. |
Success | Shows the number of successful attempts to access the service |
Failure | Displays the number of unsuccessful attempts that the application makes to access the service. |
Failure (%) | Represents the percentage of failures relative to the total number of access attempts. |
Avg. Response Time | Mean time taken by a service to return the response. |
Avg. Payload Size (kb) | The payload specifies size of the response data that the API returns to the client application. The size of payload depends on the data payload of the API request. Note:- On the vConnect platform, most of the APIs are configured and exposed with the POST method. |
Note:- By default, this graph displays data for the last 7 days. However, you can change the time range to view data for any number of minutes, days, months, or even years. You can select a time range by scrolling down the 7 Days list.
When you click the graphs
To gain more detailed insights for a better understanding of bugs, the last three sub-sections—Most Used Services, Most Time-Consuming Services, and Service Usage—offer a key feature that is outlined as below:
- For Most Used Services: Click one of the bars in the graph.
- For Most Time-Consuming Services: Click one of the “dots” in the graph.
- For Service Usage: Click a service-related record in the list of different records.
After you click in the graphs under the For Most Used Services, For Most Time-Consuming Services, and For Service Usage tabs, the Log Analytics page displays the following data:
- Data Traffic
- Average Response Time
- Payload Size
Metrics Detailed:
1. | Traffic | Specifies the total number of time the application calls a service. |
The vertical axis (y-axis) represents the number of requests, while the horizontal axis (x-axis) displays the time interval. | ||
2. | Avg. Response Payload Size | Displays the size of the response data that the API returns to the application or end-user. |
The vertical axis (y-axis) represents Average Response Payload Size in KBs, while the horizontal axis (x-axis) displays the time interval. | ||
3. | Avg. Response Time | Shows the average time that a service takes to return data to the application. |
The vertical axis (y-axis) represents Average Response Time in Milliseconds, while the horizontal axis (x-axis) displays the time interval. |