Introduction In the vDesigner application, the sync API (s) are integrated to insert the mobile app data into database table. As described earlier, the sync API inserts the data into two tables: tb_cop_buss_obj_txn and tb_image_data_obj. It inserts numeric and text based data into the tb_cop_buss_obj_txn table. To integrate a sync API in the vDesigner application,… Continue reading Integrating Sync APIs
Vahana Academy
- Getting started with Vahana
- Design
- vDesigner
- V2
- Getting started with vDesigner 2.0
- Page
- Elements
- Input Field
- Prefix Input Field
- Text Area
- Rich Text Editor
- Button
- Date Picker
- Time Picker
- Timer
- Dropdown
- Multi Select Dropdown
- Autocomplete
- Checkbox
- Radio
- Switch
- OTP (One-time-password)
- Single Slider
- LOV (List of Values) Seekbar
- Range Seekbar
- FAB (Floating Action Button)
- Rating Application
- Star Rating
- Text
- Image
- Icon
- List
- Carousel
- Grid List
- Header
- Footer
- Card
- Row
- Column
- Stack
- Linear Progress Bar
- Radial Progress Bar
- Web View
- Accordion
- Data Table
- Data Table Column
- Horizontal Divider
- Vertical Divider
- Button Group
- Tasks
- Call
- Clear Local Session
- Clear Server Session
- Configure Service
- Copy Data
- Data Validation
- Delay
- Delete Data
- Delete Entity
- Display Message
- Download File
- Enable
- Fetch OTP
- Exit App
- Finish
- Home Page Navigate
- Install App
- Invoke Function
- Load Entity
- Load Current Entity
- Navigate
- Open Camera
- Open Date Picker
- Open Debugger
- Open Maps
- Open Message
- Open Web
- Open Whatsapp
- Open Third Party App
- Previous Page
- QR Code Scanner
- Reload Elements
- Reset Data
- Save Data
- Save Location
- Session Validate
- Set Configuration
- Timer
- Text To Speech
- Update App
- Upload Media
- Update Rating on Store
- vDesigner Functions
- Widgets
- Themes & Styles
- Assets Manager
- Data Modeler
- Downloads
- Security
- vLibrary
- Multilingual
- V1
- vDesigner 1.0 Overview
- vDesigner Modules
- Creating New Entities and Relationship
- Integrating Different APIs with vDesigner
- Configuring a Dashboard
- Defining Access Policy
- Downloading APK
- Data Modeling
- Plus Group
- Displaying List from Database
- Hamburger Drawer
- vDesigner Actions and Tasks
- Introduction
- Form ID
- Save
- Export db
- API Integration
- Business Rule Validation
- Control Disable
- Control Editable
- Control Visibility
- Control Invisibility
- Delete Current Child Object
- Copy Value
- Sync Table
- Logout
- Exit
- Update Sync Status
- View Sync Details
- Load New Object
- Open Map
- Call OCR
- Mandatory Control
- Non Mandatory Control
- Message
- Phone Call
- Open_Whatsapp
- Previous Form
- Refresh
- ID Generation
- Delete Current Child Object
- Reload App Config
- Record Sync
- Enable In App Messaging
- Location
- Clear Control Data
- JSON Reset
- Validate Form
- List View
- V2
- vFlow
- An Introduction to vFlow
- vFlow Components
- vFlow Elements (Common Properties)
- vFlow Elements
- Text (FV Component)
- Label
- JSON Input
- Marquee
- Document Enlisting
- Media Enlisting
- Single Image Uploader
- Video
- Camera
- MultiMedia Uploader
- Image Viewer
- Image Slider
- Select
- Date
- Time
- Password
- Multiselect
- Type and Search
- Text Area
- Range
- Multiselect and Search
- Radio Button
- Check box
- Button
- Hyperlink
- Group Element
- BioMetric
- Slider
- Toggle Button
- Progress Bar
- Rich Text
- Input Text
- Timer
- Masking
- StepperInForm
- vFlow Tasks
- Basic Properties
- Navigate
- Control Disable
- Control Enable
- Control Visible
- Control Invisible
- Control Filter
- Invoke Entity
- Child Invisibility
- Control Copy
- Group Control Copy
- Add New Object
- Delete Object
- Custom Load
- Onload Disable
- Close Popup
- Add Custom Style
- BR Validation
- Fetch Media Object
- Authentication
- Logout
- Webview
- Sync
- Generate SSO Token
- Download Excel
- Download As Zip
- vFlow Advance
- vFlow 2.0
- An Introduction to vFlow 2.0
- Getting Started with vFlow
- Creating a vFlow Application
- Accessing vFlow Application
- vFlow Application Dashboard
- An Introduction to vFlow 2.0 Configurator Menu
- General Settings
- Configurator
- Inventory
- An Introduction to Inventory
- Pages
- System Components
- Components
- Elements
- Accordion
- Text
- Media Enlisting
- Marquee
- JSON Input
- Label
- Select
- Image Slider
- Image Viewer
- Multimedia Upload
- Camera
- Video
- Single Image Uploader
- Time
- Range
- Date
- Text Area
- Type and Search
- Button
- Checkbox
- Radio-button
- Number
- Range
- Masking
- Timer
- Rich Text
- Progress Bar
- Toggle Button
- Slider
- Hyperlink
- Biometric
- Password
- Multiselect
- Multi-Select And Search
- Task Groups
- Introduction To Task Groups
- Navigate
- Authentication
- Child Invisibility
- Invisible
- Visible
- Disable
- Enable
- Copy Data
- Copy To Clipboard
- Invoke Entity
- Onload Disable
- Group Copy
- Delete Object
- Add Custom Style
- Business Rule
- Close Popup
- Add New Object
- Custom Load
- Download As ZIP
- Filter
- Download Excel
- Generate SSO Token
- Web View
- Log Out
- Capture Current Location
- Introduction To Task Groups
- An Introduction to Inventory
- vDesigner
- Integration
- vConnect
- Getting Started with vConnect
- API Management
- API Management with vConnect
- Configuring API Request Details
- Configuring End Point Details
- Introduction
- Configuring URL (Mandatory Step)
- Request Transformation (Mandatory Step)
- Configuring Request Type and Method (Mandatory Step)
- Configuring Timeouts Properties (Optional Step)
- Configuring API Usage via Proxy (Optional Step)
- Mapping Template Body Parameters
- Configuring Dynamic Path Variables
- Configuring Dynamic Query Variables
- Selecting Source of Value
- Configuring End Point Header Details
- Database
- Service Management
- Rate Limit
- Database Connection
- Test Template
- vHub
- vConnect
- Deployment
- Monitoring
- Previous Versions
- Archive
Category: Integrating Different APIs with vDesigner
Integrating API
Configuring Business Rule for API Call
Overview The vDesigner application allows you configure the business rule for and on different entities that you add to design a mobile app. These entities can include a control/element, form, card, list, and others. You can apply a business rule for several purposes such as disabling or enabling a control, satisfying a condition, displaying a… Continue reading Configuring Business Rule for API Call
Mapping Response Parameter
To map response parameters: Field Description API Name This list displays the name of API (For example: – Verify_professional) that you have selected to map the response parameters. Name In this box, enter the name of key/attribute (For example: – ID, name, data, and others) that the API receives in the response data that is… Continue reading Mapping Response Parameter
Mapping Request Parameters
Introduction In the vDesigner application, you can integrate different API to bind an action to different elements and controls. You can integrate two types of APIs, which are given as below: The sync API is specially used to insert the mobile app data into two tables: tb_cop_buss_obj_txn and tb_image_data_obj. The tb_cop_buss_obj_txn table stores the text and numeric data, while the tb_image_data_obj table… Continue reading Mapping Request Parameters
In the vDesigner application, you can integrate different API to bind an action to different elements and controls. You can integrate two types of API(s), which are given as below: The sync API is specially used to insert the mobile app data into two tables: tb_cop_buss_obj_txn and tb_image_data_obj. The tb_cop_buss_obj_txn table stores the text and… Continue reading Introduction