Recent Failures
When an API fails to send the response as expected or does not respond, the Vahana cloud generates audit logs related to the API’s failure. This section displays the list of audit logs related to an API’s failure.
The audit logs include the following:
Column | Description |
Service Name | It displays the service’s name. The client application consumes a service to perform a specific function. |
Request Time | It displays the date and time at which the client application invokes the service. |
User | It displays the user ID of the application user who logged on to the application. |
Execution Time | It displays the time that the related API takes to perform a specific task. |
Record ID | It is unique record ID that the Vahana cloud generates at the run time. The record ID is a unique identifier that is used to manage audit logs and then fix the service’s related issues. |
Status | It displays the service’s execution status. |

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