Vahana Academy

Rich Text Editor

The Rich Text Editor element allows you to compose, edit, and store the formatted text, in addition to images, fonts, and other elements. The vDesigner incoprorated rich text editor contains all features of a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor. It provides you all word processing features to write and compose the… Continue reading Rich Text Editor


You can use the “Timer” element for the timing action. In the Timer element, the timing action takes place by counting down or counting up. You can configure the Timer element’s counting by defining the “Type” property. For instance:- You can define the Timer’s timing action to enter the OTP in 120 seconds, or you… Continue reading Timer

Text Area

The “Text Area” element is a multi-line text-input control. In the text area element, you can enter multiple lines. You can use the text area to get the descriptive and multi-lines input from the user. While the text box element allows the user to enter single line input (text), the user can enter the input… Continue reading Text Area


The “Carousel” element is a rotating banner or slideshow that displays the content in a navigated slides or banners. It allows you to manually slide through the images or slides of text, or it plays them automatically. You can use the carousel element to display images, products, and promotions on the home page. You can… Continue reading Carousel

Web View

The Web View element allows the end user to open a web page instantly from an app only by tapping the link. It is a quick web view that provides the limited browsing functionalities as a sub-process of the app. Usage When to Use Use the web view to:–> Display rich content instantly.–> Display general… Continue reading Web View

Button Group

The “Button Group” element is a collection of multiple toggle buttons. In the application, you can use the “Button Group” element when you want the user to select a specific value or a state. In an application, “Button Group” is used to display or specify different values, states, or modes. In the “Button Group” element,… Continue reading Button Group

Data Table

This element is used to create a grid-based table. The cell or grid of the table contains a data. In the application, you can use the data table in the report module to display variety of data. The data table is a useful element to display a collection of data that the user can use… Continue reading Data Table