Subtract Hours
This post is referring to Vahana 2 (beta version). To check the document for production, please go to vDesigner-v1.0
This function subtracts a value in hours from a specific time. For instance, assume you subtract 2 hours from the 4:10:34 time by using the SUBHOURS() function. When the SUBHOURS() function is executed, it will return 2:10:34 as the value of time after it subtracts 2 hours from the 4 hours, 10 minutes, and 34 seconds.
You can use the SUBHOURS() function as follows:
To use the SUBHOURS() function:
- Click in the smart selector to display the Search box.

- In the Search box, enter subhours to display the SUBHOURS function.

- In the list, select SUBHOURS to display it with the time, format, and hours parameters.

- In the SUBHOURS function, click the time parameter to display the Search box.
- In the Search box, enter static to display the Static function.

- In the list, select the Static function to display it with the value and the String parameters.
- In the Static function, click the value parameter, and then enter a time (for example, 4:10:34) in hh:mm:ss format.

Note:- The 2:34:33 value specifies the time with 2 hours, 34 minutes, and 33 seconds. If you do not want to enter the time manually by using the Static function, you can fetch the value of the time from an element or entity. To know more about defining the value in the entity, visit the post, Using Entity with Date and Time Functions.
- In the SUBHOURS function, click format, and then enter hh:mm:ss in the place of the format parameter.

- In the SUBHOURS function, click the hours parameter to display the Search box.
- In the Search box, enter static to display the Static function.

- In the list, select the Static function.

- In the Static function, click the value parameter, and then enter a numeric value (for example, 2) that you want to subtract from the earlier defined value of time (for example, 4:10:34) in the first parameter.

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