Vahana Academy


When the call task executes, it automatically opens the dialer pad screen of the device with the given number. While configuring this task, the vDesigner application provides you the two following options to display the phone number: Steps to Configure Property Name Description Mandatory Reference Name The reference name specifies the name of the task.… Continue reading Call


The “Navigate” task allows you to configure the end-user’s journey. In the journey, you can define the navigation between the screens within your app. You can define the navigation between two or more screen by using the following launch mode: Steps to Configure Box/List Description Mandatory Reference Name In this box, enter the name of… Continue reading Navigate

Open Message

When this task executes, it opens the messaging based app along with the mobile numbers and the message. The app user can send the message to the mobile numbers that the messaging app displays on the screen. Steps to Configure List/Box Description Mandatory Reference Name In this box, enter the name of the task. Also… Continue reading Open Message

Open Camera

When this task executes, it opens a camera to capture the media. This task can be implemented in those apps where the user needs to capture the media (image or video) frequently. Steps to Configure List/Box  Description Mandatory Reference Name In this box, enter the name of the task. Also, the system generates a reference… Continue reading Open Camera

Exit App

After this task executes, the end-user exits the current session of the application. Steps to Configure List/Box Description Mandatory Reference Name In this box, enter the name of the task. Also, the system generates a reference name by default that you can change.  Yes Business Rule(Optional Step) In this box, you can configure a business… Continue reading Exit App

Install App

When the application executes this task, it downloads a new installation build of the application from the configured source location. Thus, the end-user can install the new application’s build. Steps to Configure List/Box Description Mandatory Reference Name In this box, enter the name of the task. Also the system generates a reference name by default… Continue reading Install App


The “text” element makes a bold visual statement. Use them to create an impact when the main goal is to narrate a visual storytelling. Usage When to use You can use this element to display the news content, product information, content of a subject, and visual storytelling, in addition to displaying alerts and error messages… Continue reading Text

Home Page Navigate

When the application executes this task, it takes the end-user to the home page of the application. Steps to Configure List/Box Description Mandatory Reference Name In this box, enter the name of the task. Also, the system generates a reference name by default that you can change.  Yes Add Animation This property allows you to… Continue reading Home Page Navigate

Open Debugger

When this task executes, it opens the Open Debug panel that displays the data of different data stores and the communication logs at the application level. On a specific element, you can configure the “Open Debugger” task when you want to access and monitor the data of different data stores.  This task is specially configured… Continue reading Open Debugger

Range Seekbar

The “Range Seekbar” element sets a range of the specified units (For example: – 5, 10, etc.) within a given start value and the end value. Usage When to use Use the range seekbar in the mobile apps where the user needs to select the range of values. For instance:- you can use the range seekbar… Continue reading Range Seekbar