Profile Settings

This function allows you to perform two major functions as follows:

  • Change your current password
  • Edit your profile

These functions are broadly described as below:

Editing Your Profile

Your profile contains your name, your registered email ID that you use as your login ID, and your role that the IT Ops owner assigns to you. In the profile details, you can edit your name. You cannot edit your registered email ID and your role.

To edit your profile:

  1. On the home page of the IT Ops module, see your name in the top-right corner.
  1. Click your name to display your name with the currently assigned role.
  2. In the list, click your name to display the Profile Settings page.
  1. On the Profile Settings page, click Edit to display the Name box in editable mode.
  2. In the Name box, modify or change your name and then click Update to edit your profile.

Changing Password

You can use the Change Password feature to change your current password. Periodically changing the current password is a recommended and good practice. It keeps your account and related data safe and prevents unauthorized access.

To change your password:

  1. On the Profile Settings page, click Change Password to display the Change Password dialog box.
  2. In the Change Password dialog box, in the Old Password box, enter your current password.
  1. After you enter the old password, click Verify to check if you entered the correct current password.
  2. After successfully verification of the old password, the Change Password dialog box displays the New Password box.
  1. In the New Password box, enter a new password that you want to use in place of the current password.
  2. After you enter the new password, click Save to change the current password.
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