IT Ops Modules

ITOps contains the following modules:

App OpsIn this module, you can test a vConnect service, kill the currently active sessions of different application users, and create and manage users’ groups to send periodic alerts to them.
ObservabilityBy using the Observability module, you can view the developer logs, list of scheduled services, status of monitored services, and event logs. The developer logs contain the list of vConnect services and microservices, and services’ execution time.

On the other hand, event logs contain the list of events that are mapped to the vConnect services. By clicking a specific event, you can view the broad-level details of the event.
AnalyticsThis module allows you to monitor user- and device-related data. The user and device segment contains data related to the device that sent the API request.

In the Analytics module, you can also view event logs, but in an intuitive graphical format.

This module also displays extensive details of the services that the current application has consumed as a result of user action. In the services’ details, it shows the following:
a. Cumulative of average time taken by all services for the last day, last week, and last ten days
b. Most consumed services in bar chart format
c. Services’ response time (latency) in line chart format
d. List of services consumed by the application
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