Import Release Config

In the AppOps module, the “Import Release Config” sub-module allows you to upload application-related configuration details to the VRT (Vahana Run Time) module by using the manual export-import mechanism. To use this feature, the VRT Type property of the currently used environment (for example, SAND_BOX) must be configured with “Export” option.

After you set the VRT Type property to Export, you can manually export configuration details locally and then import them to VRT by using the Import Release Config feature. You can understand this export-import mechanism as follows:

Assume, you are developing an application by using the vDesigner module. You have added a new Submission_Page to the application.

On the vDesigner module’s toolbar, you click Save and then click Commit to save the latest configuration details. To import these configuration details, you first need to export them manually as follows:

Exporting Configuration Details

To import the application’s configuration details, you first need to export them by using the Deployment module in the Vahana cloud. The Deployment module allows you to export the application’s configuration details to the local system.

To export the configuration details:

  1. On the Vahana portal’s home page, put the mouse pointer on the left panel.
  1. In the left panel, click the Applications icon () to display the Applications page.
  2. On the Applications page, find the application (for example, Shiva Native Release Testing) to export its configuration details.

Note:- You can export configuration details of all types of applications, such as middleware applications, mobile apps, and web applications.

  1. After you find the application (for example, Shiva Native Release Testing), click it to display the Dashboard page.
  1. On the Dashboard page, put the mouse pointer on the left navigation panel.
  2. In the left navigation panel, click the Deploy icon () to display the Deploy page.
  1. On the Deploy page, find the <<Environment Name>> (for example, SAND_BOX) tile.
  2. On the <<Environment Name>> (SAND_BOX) tile, click the Export icon () to display the Confirm “Export” dialog box.
  3. In the Confirm “Export” dialog box, click Confirm to export the configuration details.
  4. The Save As dialog box opens.
  5. In the Save As dialog box, determine the location on your computer system where you want to export the configuration details.
  1. After you find the location, click Save in the Save As dialog box to download the exported data in compressed (zipped) format.

Importing Configuration Details

After you successfully export configuration details, you can import them to VRT by using the Import Release Config module. To import configuration details:

  1. On the Applications dashboard, click an application as follows:

Case1:- (If you click the middleware application on the Applications dashboard)

  • If you click the middleware application (for example, Shiva Middleware 28th Sep), the right panel displays the Service Testing page.
  • On the Service Testing page, put the mouse pointer on the left panel.
  • In the left panel, click Import Release Config to display the Import Release Config page.

Case2:- (If you click the mobile app or web application on the Applications dashboard)

  • If you click the mobile app or web application, the right panel displays the Import Release Config page.
  1. On the Import Release Config page, click the Select Environment list.
  2. In the Select Environment list, select an environment (for example, SAND_BOX).
  3. After you select an environment, the Import Release Config page displays details of earlier imported files (if you have imported the configuration details earlier).
  4. On the Import Release Config page, click Upload file to display the Open dialog box.
  1. In the Open dialog box, find the exported file in compressed (zipped) format.
  1. After you find the exported file, click to select it, and then click Open in the Open dialog box to start importing the file.
  2. The Import Release Config module starts importing the file to VRT (Vahana Run Time).

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