Force Logout

In the App Ops module, this function allows you to kill one or more active user sessions. You can also kill all active user sessions at once. The active user session means that when the user accesses the application, he does not need to log in to it.

After you kill a user session on the Force Logout page, the user is forcefully logged out of the application.

To kill the user session:

  1. In the App Ops module, see the left navigation panel.
  2. In the left navigation panel, click the Force Logout icon (), and the middle panel displays the Force Logout page.
  3. The Force Logout page displays the list of all currently active sessions of different users.

  1. In the list, under Name, find the user’s name to kill his user session.
  2. After you find the user’s name, click the related check box to select his user session.
  3. Repeat steps from step 4 to step 5 to select user sessions of other users.
  4. After you select one or more user sessions, the Kill Session utility comes into view.
  5. Click Kill Session to kill currently active user sessions.

Note:- If you want to kill all user sessions, click Kill all sessions.

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