Accessing vConnect Portal

<<To be written after the development completes>>

VConnect Left Panel

In the vConnect module, the left navigation panel contains the following level 1 menu items:

Menu ItemsDescription
DevelopmentWhen you click this menu items, it allows you to access the following tabs in vConnect:
a. Service Management:- You can accesst this tab to create a new service. Creating a service means that you are creating a service as a container. After you create a service, you can register one or more APIs to the service. Thus, you publish the registered APIs as a service.

b. API Management:- You can access this tab to configure a new API on the vConnect module. Under the API Management tab, you can configure SOAP-based APIs, REST APIs, and database APIs. The database APIs are typically written in Python to connect with the database server.

c. Database Connection:- Under this tab, you can configure the database connection so that the database APIs establish connection with the database server.

d. Test Template:- Under the Test Template tab, you can test the API’s request and response templates. To test the template, the logic in the template must be written in XML or JSON codes.
Event ManagerThe Event Manager module allows you to add or create an event. After you create an event, you can map it to a vConnect service, REST API, and an application workflow. As result of mapped API or workflow execution, the event is raised.
Rate LimitIn the left navigation panel, this menu item allows the API gateway to control and manage the number of the requests based on several factors. You can define the rate limit in the following scenarios:
a. To protect APIs from common types of security attacks, such as certain types of denial of service (DoS) attacks
b. To regulate data traffic according to the available infrastructure
c. To make an API, application, or resource available to the customer at different levels of service, specifically for monetization purposes
Message MasterThis sub-module allows you to create a new message that you can map with an error code. To map the message text with the error code, you need to customize the programming code of the related API.

Other Functionalities

Import from Vahana HubWhen you click Import from Vahana Hub, this action opens the Vahana Hub module’s home. On the Vahana hub portal, you can subscribe to an API and then consume it.
Add New ServiceWhen you click Add New Service, this action opens the Service Details page. On this page, you can create a service and then register one or more APIs to the service. Thus, you can publish the registered APIs as a service.
Refresh Icon ()When you click the refresh icon, this action refreshes the list of configured services on the vConnect module.
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