Viewing Role Details

This post is referring to Vahana 2 (beta version). To check the document for production, please go to vDesigner-v1.0

You can access the details of a standard role. When you access the details of a role, you can see permissions that are available under the role and a list of members. The current role is assigned to these members. You can view the details of a role as follows:

To view the details of a role:

  1. On the Roles page, see the list of standard roles.
  1. In the list of roles, under Name, find the role (for example, App Developer) to see its details.
  2. After you find the role, click it, and an Info panel expands.
  3. The Info panel displays the following details of a role:
    • Name of role
    • A Permission area with the following tabs:
WorkspaceThis tab displays the list of different permissions that are granted to the current role.
ResourcesThis tab displays the list of resources that members can access with this role. Members can also perform functions on these resources based on the granted permissions.
  1. In the Info panel, click View details, and a <<Role Name>> page opens.
  2. On the <<Role Name>> page, you can see details related to a role as follows:
    • Name of role (for example, App Developer)
    • Unique Role ID
    • Type of Role
    • Status of Role
    • Description of role
  1. Apart from these details, you can see other details as follows:
ModulesIn the middle panel, this mini-left panel allows you to view permissions based on the workspace and resources.
PermissionsWhen you click the Permissions tab, it displays the list of available permissions for the current role.
MembersWhen you click the Members tab, it displays the list of members who you have assigned the current role.
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