Viewing Member’s Details

This post is referring to Vahana 2 (beta version). To check the document for production, please go to vDesigner-v1.0

In the IAM module, you can view the details of a member by clicking the record of a member on the Teams page.

To view the member’s details:

  1. On the Teams page, see the list of added members.
  1. In the list, under Name, find the member’s name to view his or her details.
  2. After you find the member’s name, click it, and an Info panel expands.
  1. The Info panel displays the following details of a member:
    • The member’s name
    • Three-dot icon to turn the member’s profile enabled or disabled
    • Member’s current roles
    • The name of member who invited the current member to become a member of his or her workspace
    • Latest date and time at which the profile of the member was updated
    • A Resources area that displays the names of resources that the member can access and then perform functions on them.

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