Managing User Profile

This post is referring to Vahana 2 (beta version). To check the document for production, please go to vDesigner-v1.0

This feature allows you to manage the member’s profile. While managing the member’s profile, you can edit, disable, or delete the profile. You can manage the member’s profile as follows:

To manage the member’s profile:

  1. On the Teams page, see the list of users.

  1. In the list of users, under Name, find the user’s name to edit, disable, or delete his profile.
  2. After you find the user’s name, click it, and an Info panel expands.
  1. In the Info panel, click View details, and the <<User name>> page opens.
  2. On the <<User name>> page, see the upper panel.
  1. In the upper panel, you can see Edit, Disable, and Delete.
  2. You can use these functionalities as follows:
EditClick Edit to edit the user’s profile. When you edit the user’s profile, you can:
a. Change the user’s role
b. Grant or revoke resource access to the user
DisableClick Disable to disable the user’s profile. After you disable the user’s profile, the user cannot view the workspace.
DeleteClick Delete to delete the user’s profile.

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