An Introduction to Identity Access Management

This post is referring to Vahana 2 (beta version). To check the document for production, please go to vDesigner-v1.0

IAM (Identity Access Management) allows you to assign a role or a set of roles to the Vahana cloud user so that s/he can only access required resources to perform the intended functions. It helps you design a role-based functional scope for the Vahana cloud user. It controls the user’s access to the resources, protects sensitive data, and maintains compliance with regulatory requirements by managing users’ identities, roles, and permissions.

Standard Roles in IAM

The IAM module contains the following standard roles. You can assign these roles to other Vahana cloud users except the Account Owner.

  • Account Owner
  • Workspace Owner
  • Workspace Admin
  • App Admin
  • App Developer
  • DevOps Developer

Note:- When an account owner accesses the IAM module in the Vahana cloud portal, the account owner and workspace owner roles are not available to the user. The reason behind the unavailability of these roles is that only one person can be an account owner and only account owner can change the workspace owner from workspace management module.

Resources in IAM

While managing the users’ identities, roles, and permissions, you can provide the access to the following resources:

  • Application
    • Mobile
    • Web
    • Operation
    • Back-end
  • Theme and Style
  • Data Model
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