Accessing IAM

This post is referring to Vahana 2 (beta version). To check the document for production, please go to vDesigner-v1.0

You can access the IAM module on the Vahana portal’s dashboard. When you access the IAM module, its dashboard displays the following three tabs:

  • Team
  • Role
  • Resources

To access IAM:

  1. On the Vahana portal’s dashboard, see the right panel.
  1. In the right panel, see the nine-dot icon ().
  2. Click the nine-dot icon (), and the Modules panel expands.
  3. In the Modules panel, click IAM, and the Teams page opens.
  1. The Teams page contains the following functionalities:
Invite MemberThis functionality allows you to invite a user to become a member of your workspace.
Bulk MemberThis functionality allows you to invite more than one user to become a member of your workspace.
Copy & Assign RoleUse this functionality to assign the role of a user to another user. It assigns the role to the user with its set of permissions.

List of Existing Members

In the IAM module, if you have earlier sent the invitation to other users, you can see the list of these users on the Teams page. This list contains the following details about invitees:

Column NameDescription
NameIt contains the name of the user who you sent the invitation.
EmailIt displays the email ID of the user. You sent the invitation request to this e-mail ID.
RoleThis column displays the name of the role that has been assigned to the user.
StatusThis column displays one of the following values:
1. Enabled:- This value specifies that the invited member’s profile is active. An active member can perform the function on different resources based on the assigned role.

2. Disabled:- This value specifies that the invited member’s profile is inactive. An inactive member cannot perform the function on different resources until you change the status to “Enabled“.
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