Grid List

This post is referring to Vahana 2 (beta version). To check the document for production, please go to vDesigner-v1.0

The “Grid List” is used to display large amount of tabular data. It is a better choice over tables if you want to display the data from multiple columns. The data grid displays the data uniformly if the schemas and sorting are important for comparison.


When to use
Provide a data grid in the banking and other enterprise level apps where the user needs to collate the variety of data and browse reports frequently.

Grid List Configuration

The “Grid List” element consists of the following property:

  • UI Configuration

UI Configuration

On the “Grid List” element, you can configure the following UI properties:

TabProperty NameDescriptionMandatoryNew Default ValueVisibility Rule
BasicReference NameSpecifies a unique name of the element. At the application level, an element is identified and managed by the reference name.YesList View1
BasicCount in RowAllows you to configure the maximum number of items that a row can have in the grid list.No2
Basic Item HeightAllows you to define the permissible height of the item in the grid.No200
BasicInput SourceThis property allows you to configure the source location for the following purposes:
–> Fetch data from the source and the display it on the element.

You can click one of the following tabs to configure the input source:
1) Data Store:-
If you select this tab, the Input Value box appears. In the Input Value box, select an entity based array type JSON object. After you select an array type JSON object, the application will access the object and then perform one of the following functions:
–> Fetches data from the object and displays it in the element

2). Static:-  
If you select this value, the Input Value box appears. In the Input Value box, enter the static value that you want to display in the list. 
YesList View
Apply FilterWhen you click this check box, a Business Rule drop down list comes into view. You can use this property to apply a business rule to display items in the list.NoClear Check box
Business RuleClick this list to select the business rule. After you select the business rule, the app displays items in the list based on the condition defined in the business rule.YesWhen Apply Filter check box is selected
SortingThis property allows you to display the list items in ascending or descending order. Click this list to select one of the following values:
1. Sort Ascending
Select this value to display list items in ascending order.

2. Sort Descending
Select this value to display list items in descending order.
NoSort Ascending
BasicInput ValueClick in this box and then select an array type object. After you select the object, the application will perform one of the following functions:
–> Fetch data from the object and then display it in the element.
YesIf Input Source = Static
UI PropertiesStylesAllows you to select a specific style for the element from the list of pre-defined styles. The vDesigner module offers pre-defined styles that you can apply to the elementNo
UI Properties-Background
Background Color
Click the Color box and then select a color to define the background color of the tile.No#161616
UI Properties-BackgroundOpacityOpacity is the degree to which content behind an element is hidden, and is the opposite of transparency.

While configuring the color, you can also configure the opacity in the percentage unit.
UI Properties-BackgroundElevationThis property allows you to configure the elevation of the background. The elevation is measured as the relative distance between two surfaces along the Z-axis.
UI Properties-Alignment and SpacingMarginAllows you to desirably define margin around each side of the component. It provides four different boxes to define the margin outside the right, left, top, and bottom border of the component.NoNull
UI Properties-Alignment and SpacingElement’s AlignmentThis property contains three tabs. You can use these tabs as follows:
1. Left:- By default, this tab is selected. It aligns the element to the left of the page.
2. Center:- If you select this tab, it aligns the element at the center of the page.
3. Right:- If you select this tab, it aligns the element to the right of the page.
UI Properties-Alignment and SpacingHorizontal SpacingAllows you to configure the distance between the item and the grid’s right and left edges.No10
UI Properties-Alignment and SpacingVertical SpacingAllows you to configure the distance between the item and the grid’s top and bottom edges.No10
UI Properties-Shape and DecorationTypeUnder the Shape and Decoration section, this property has the two following options:

Autofill:- If you select this option, the element will occupy the available space of the parent layout.

Manual:- If you select this option, you can define a specific size of the element.
UI Properties-Shape and DecorationWidth ValueAllows you to define the width of the element. Enter the width of the element in the pixel unit or percentage unit.NoBlank
UI Properties-Shape and DecorationHeight ValueAllows you to define the height of the element. Enter the height of the element in the pixel unit.NoBlank
UI Properties-Shape and DecorationXAllows you to move the element along the X-axis; when the value increases, the element moves from left to right.NoCurrent position along the x-axis
UI Properties-Shape and DecorationYAllows you to move the element along the Y-axis; when the value increases, the element moves from top to bottom.NoCurrent position along the x-axis

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