Forus SDK

The Forus SDK enables biometric authentication and identity verification with a no-contact photo capture solution. It supports face recognition, liveness detection, and other features while offering high customization.

Steps to Register:

  1. On the SDK Manager Module, Click the card named ‘Forus‘.
  2. An Info panel opens on the right of the screen.

  3. On the Info panel, click Register.
  4. Then enter Android License Key, iOS License key, Username, and Password.
  5. Save the key/s.
  6. The Forus SDK is registered!

Task Properties

Detect Eye BlinkEnables the detection of eye blinks.
Detect SmileEnables the detection of smiles.
Face Capture Time Limit(Sec)Sets a time limit for capturing the face.
Show InstructionsInstructions displayed during SDK use.
Image QualityText displayed on the retry button.
Camera TypeType of camera you want to use
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