Download Excel

The Download Excel task enables users to export data from the application into an Excel file format. It is particularly useful for generating structured reports, summaries, or data sheets for further analysis or record-keeping.

Common Uses

  1. Customer Account Statements
    • Export transaction details or account summaries for customers in an easily readable Excel format.
  2. Branch-Level Reports
    • Generate and download operational or financial performance reports for specific branches or regions.


When you create a task, its configuration page opens in which you define its basic and advanced properties. These are as follows:


Basic PropertiesDescription
Task TypeThe Task Type indicates what kind of task you are creating. This is a read-only field since you select the type when you create the task and cannot change it during the configuration stage.
Reference NameThe Reference Name acts as a unique internal identifier for the task. This is visible to vFlow users for ease of reference but is hidden from end users. This allows users of the platform to manage and differentiate between tasks conveniently.
NameThe name defined here will be displayed to the end user.
DescriptionThe Description field is intended for use by application designers or administrators (vFlow users) to provide additional context or details about the task group. This description is not visible to end-users and is used solely for internal reference to assist with task management.
Loader Properties – Title
Loader Properties – Description
Business Rule – RuleThis drop-down allows you to specify a Business Rule that governs when and how this task executes, offering more fine-grained control over task execution. If the specified condition is met, the task will execute; otherwise, it will not.


  • Format: Excel (.xlsx) or Binary Excel (.xlsb)
  • Set Title: In this field, enter the title of the file that you will download in Excel format from the application
  • Enter Columns To Mapped: In this field, enter the table’s column name separated by a comma that you want to download from the application. You can enter values as follows:
  • Data Path:
    • In this field, enter the data path as follows:
    • In the defined data path, the application will fetch the data from the tab_user table and download it in Excel format.


The Reference option becomes available when you open a Component, Task Group, or Business Rule from the page-level inventory that opens in the configurator, and the global inventory.

Since this inventory contains all the Components, Task Groups, and Business Rules created in Vahana vFlow 2.0, it can be challenging to determine where these entities are mapped within the application. The Reference option provides a structured overview of all locations or items where a selected entity is mapped, offering a clear dependency view.

Example Mapping:

  • Form > Row 1 > Column 1

This feature helps in efficiently tracking and managing dependencies across different sections of the application.

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