An Introduction to Custom Function

This post is referring to Vahana 2 (beta version). To check the document for production, please go to vDesigner-v1.0

The vDesigner module offers the “Custom Function” feature as a full-fledged sub-module under the Widget category. Other widget-based modules are Business Rule Manager, Display Message, and Task Group.

In the vDesigner module, you can use many features to impart a dynamic aspect or functional behavior to an element, a set of elements, a page, or an application. To impart a functional behavior, you can use the following options:

  • Invoke an API so that it performs a specific job as expected.
  • Build a task group and then add one or more tasks to the task group so that the application performs a specific function or a set of intended functions throughout the user journey.
  • Apply a business rule in combination with the API call and task group.
  • Implement a custom function.

Among all these options, the “Custom Function” sub-module gives an edge over others. The usage of the custom function provides an arbitrary approach to design and implement complex logic, and other forms of dynamic aspects. Sometimes, achieving such a functional behavior is not possible when you single-handedly call an API or configure an operator-based business rule.

To implement a functional behavior, you need to write a JavaScript program without using an inbuilt library and complex operational features. After you create a custom function, you can test it and then make sure that it is working as expected.

In the next post, you will learn how to create a custom function. The next post, Creating a Custom Function, describes the custom function’s creation process through different subheadings.

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