An Introduction to Configurator

This level 1 menu option allows you to create a page in the application. You can create three types of pages in the application as follows:

  • Page
  • Subpage
  • Popup

Based on the application-specific requirements, you can add multiple pages to an app. Apart from adding new pages, you can edit a page by reconfiguring its different properties.

In vFlow 2.0, the Configurator option provides software development capabilities at the modular level. When you design an application, it lets you build the application workflow at the page-level. This application development approach keeps the application modularity intact. This clutter-free modular-level development was absent in the vFlow 1.0 module.

In fact, the Configurator module takes the burden of managing the complex configuration settings by letting you design the application through small building blocks (application pages). Thus, you can define a seamless user journey by integrating these building blocks together.

Note:- When you create an application on the Vahana portal and then click the application’s name on the Vahana portal’s dashboard to access the vFlow module, the vFlow module automatically creates a default web page in the application.

In the following post, you will learn how to create a new page.

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