Adding a Row

You perform this function when you want to add one or more rows in addition to the default L1_R1 row. In the page layout, a row provides a dedicated section to the page, or you can add a row to create one or more horizontal panels. 

Thus, each row contains one or more columns. A column is added to the row so that it can have a group of user interfaces to display data to the user.

To add a new row to the page layout:

  1. On the <<Page Name>> page, see the middle panel.
  1. The middle panel displays the page layout’s default row, L1_R1.
  2. To add another row to the layout, scroll down the page, and then see Add Row.
  1. Click Add Row, and a Row 2 area comes into view.
  2. The Row 2 area displays properties related to the newly added row.

In the above screen capture, you can see that after you add a new row, Row 2, Row 2 also has a default child column, Column 1. In Column 1, you can start adding components and elements, as planned in the page-specific wireframe.

In the above screen capture, you can see that Card Template 01 is placed in the first row, L1_R1. Card Template 02 and Card Template 03 are placed in the second row, Row 2. The Row 2 section is divided into two columns to display the data related to Card Template 02 and Card Template 03.

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