Vahana Academy


In the left panel of the page, under Config, you’ll find the Style section. In the Style section, you can configure properties related to the page’s background and text’s font. These properties are explained below: Style Description Background Color This property allows you to define the background color of the page. To configure the background… Continue reading Style

Properties in Layout

In the Layout sub-menu, you can configure the layout’s properties and row’s properties as follows: Layout’s Properties Property Name Description Layout Name This field displays the default layout name. You can also change the default name of the layout to a new name. Layout ID This field displays a unique and non-editable numeric value, which… Continue reading Properties in Layout


In the vFlow module, a layout is a virtual container. When you create a page in the application, it is created with a default layout. In a page, the page’s layout’s name is prefixed by the name of the page. An empty layout is composed of the following: In the default structural composition of the… Continue reading Layout


In the left panel, under Config, you can find the ‘Properties‘ section. In the Properties section, you configure the advanced properties of a page. These properties are explained for different templates are given below: For Normal Template Property Name Description Enable By default, this check box is selected. It means that when you create a… Continue reading Properties


In the left panel, under Config, you can find the ‘Basic‘ section. In the Basic section, you configure the basic properties of a page. These properties for different templates are explained below: For Normal Template: Basic Property Description Page Type This box, by default, displays the type of page. You define the page type (for… Continue reading Basic