Vahana Academy

Properties in Layout

In the Layout sub-menu, you can configure the layout’s properties and row’s properties as follows: Layout’s Properties Property Name Description Layout Name This field displays the default layout name. You can also change the default name of the layout to a new name. Layout ID This field displays a unique and non-editable numeric value, which… Continue reading Properties in Layout

An Introduction to Layout

In the vFlow module, a layout is a virtual container. When you create a page in the application, it is created with a default layout. In a page, the page’s layout’s name is prefixed by the name of the page. An empty layout is composed of the following: In the default structural composition of the… Continue reading An Introduction to Layout

Creating a New Page

To build a new application from scratch, you first need to add a page. Thus, you design a layout of the page and add multiple components and elements to the page. To impart functional behavior to the application, you configure events and task groups on the components and elements. Similarly, you add multiple pages to… Continue reading Creating a New Page

An Introduction to Configurator

This level 1 menu option allows you to create a page in the application. You can create three types of pages in the application as follows: Based on the application-specific requirements, you can add multiple pages to an app. Apart from adding new pages, you can edit a page by reconfiguring its different properties. In… Continue reading An Introduction to Configurator