The Reference option becomes available when you open a Component, Task Group, or Business Rule from the page-level inventory in the configurator or the global inventory. Since the global inventory contains all Components, Task Groups, and Business Rules created in Vahana vFlow 2.0, and neither inventory provides exact row or column details for entity mapping,… Continue reading References
Category: Configurator
Configurator to define page-level configuration settings
Under the Inventory menu, the Page section allows you to view and manage all the pages that you have created in the application. As discussed in the An Introduction to Inventory post, you can perform the following functions related to a page: This functionality ensures that you efficiently manage existing and new pages in the… Continue reading Pages
Configurator Level Inventory
Page-Level Inventory On the Configurator menu, Inventory is the section that, when a page is created, displays a page-specific set of items that has already been mapped to the related page. Separately reviewing each page during or after its creation simplifies the process of making changes, identifying bugs, and checking mapped elements independently, without overhauling… Continue reading Configurator Level Inventory
Introduction to Data In the vFlow module, Data is mechanism that you can use for the following purposes: To fetch, store, or validate the data at the application level, you can use one of the following data binding mechanisms: vFlow 2.0 incorporates the Data module as a separate functional layer. You can access the Data… Continue reading Data
Adding a Component
To design a page based on the planned design strategies and wireframes, you can add the components to the columns in a page layout. In a single row, you can add multiple columns and then add components to each column. In this scheme of layout design, a page layout will have multiple vertical panels in… Continue reading Adding a Component
Adding a Column
In the structural scheme of a layout, you can add a column to the row container. In a layout, the column is also treated as a container. You add a column so that you can add different components and elements to the column. In the page layout, the column container imparts a visual pattern to… Continue reading Adding a Column
Adding a Row
You perform this function when you want to add one or more rows in addition to the default L1_R1 row. In the page layout, a row provides a dedicated section to the page, or you can add a row to create one or more horizontal panels. Thus, each row contains one or more columns. A… Continue reading Adding a Row
An Introduction to Layout Functions
This post focuses on broad-level functions that you can perform in the layout section. These functions are different from other general properties that you configure to design a page layout. The design of the layout depends on the planned strategies and approved wireframe to design an application. By default, a page layout contains the following:… Continue reading An Introduction to Layout Functions
The vFlow 2.0 module provides different events for the page, components, and elements. On the page, you can configure the On Load event. Similarly, you can configure the On Click event on the button. Based on the component or element type, the vFlow module provides different events or a group of events that you can… Continue reading Events
In the left panel, under Config, you can find the ‘Animation‘ section. This section allows you to apply several animations to enhance the page’s loading appeal. The following table contains an explanation of the available animations and their configurations: Animations Description & Its Configuration Bounce 1. Click the Type list, and then select an animation to… Continue reading Animation