Vahana Academy

Testing a Custom Function

After you create a custom function, you need to test it and make sure that you can consume it to implement the related functionality. The Custom Function sub-module also provides a feature to test the custom function. To test a custom function: Note:- The <<Custom Function Name>> Test dialog box displays different boxes based on the input parameters… Continue reading Testing a Custom Function

An Introduction to Custom Function

The vDesigner module offers the “Custom Function” feature as a full-fledged sub-module under the Widget category. Other widget-based modules are Business Rule Manager, Display Message, and Task Group. In the vDesigner module, you can use many features to impart a dynamic aspect or functional behavior to an element, a set of elements, a page, or… Continue reading An Introduction to Custom Function

Unlinking a Task Group

You can unlink a task group from an event if you do not want to use the task group in the application or if the task group-incorporated tasks do not serve the purpose in the application behavior. To unlink the task group:

Deleting a Task Group

In the task group module, this feature allows you to delete the task group. You can use this function when an existing task group is not required in the application. To delete a task group:

Editing a Task Group

This feature allows you to edit an existing task group. When you edit a task group, you can customize its algorithm, add more task to it, delete the existing tasks if they are not required. To edit a task group: Apart from editing a task in the task group, you can add other tasks to… Continue reading Editing a Task Group