Vahana Academy

Add Seconds

This function adds a value in seconds to a specific time. For instance, assume you add 25 seconds to the 2:10:12 time by using the ADDSECONDS() function. When the ADDSECONDS() function is executed, it will return 2:10:37 as the value of time after it adds 25 seconds to the 2 hours, 10 minutes, and 12 seconds. You can use the ADDSECONDS() function as follows: To use the ADDSECONDS… Continue reading Add Seconds

Add Minutes

This function adds a value in minutes to a specific time. For instance, assume you add 30 minutes to the 2:10:34 time by using the ADDMINUTES() function. When the ADDMINUTES() function is executed, it will return 2:40:34 as the value of time after it adds 30 minutes to the 2 hours, 10 minutes, and 34 seconds. You can use the ADDMINUTES() function as follows: To use the ADDMINUTES function:… Continue reading Add Minutes

Add Hours

This function adds a value in hours to a specific time. For instance, assume you add 10 hours to the 2:10:34 time by using the ADDHOURS() function. When the ADDHOURS() function is executed, it will return 12:10:34 as the value of time after it adds 10 hours to the 2 hours, 10 minutes, and 34… Continue reading Add Hours

System Functions

The vDesigner module provides in-built system functions. You can use these system functions to get device-related details. While developing an application by using the vDesigner module, when you want to get the device-related details of the end-user’s device, you can use system functions. When an end-user accesses the application on the device, s/he can use… Continue reading System Functions

Arithmetic Functions

In the Business Rule Manager module, you can use and apply arithmetic functions to perform basic and complex mathematical functions. These functions include Sum, Subtract, Product, Divide, Round, Truncate, and others. You can use arithmetic functions to implement the algorithm that performs an arithmetic calculation on a set of numbers. The BRM (Business Rule Manager)… Continue reading Arithmetic Functions

Array Functions

In the vDesigner module, the array function is a common function that you can apply so that the application can perform the following array-related data manipulation as follows: Prerequisite to Use Array Functions To use array functions in the vDesigner module, you must: After you define the JSON array and the business rule, you can… Continue reading Array Functions