Vahana Academy

Enable In App Messaging

When you apply this task, it enables the features of messaging-based notification. As a result of applying this task, the mobile app starts receiving and sending notification. To apply the Eanble in App Messaging task:  

Record Sync

When this task executes, it syncs all un-synced records at the database level. It allows you to sync the records based on the “Where…” clause condition of the SQL query. On the basis of the “Where…” clause, the Record Sync task picks the un-synced records from the respective service and then sync them. To apply… Continue reading Record Sync

ID Generation

This task is applied to randomly generate a unique ID as a result of user action. When this task executes, it automatically creates a unique numeric ID and then stores it in the object that you configure while applying this task. When a user designs a mobile app in the vDesigner application, the ID generation… Continue reading ID Generation


You apply this task to refresh a specific control or group of different controls. The vDesigner application allows you to apply this task at the control or group of controls level. When this task executes, it refreshes a specific control or group of several controls. To apply the Refresh task: List Description Control Click this… Continue reading Refresh

Previous Form

You can apply this task to an element that lets the user navigate to the last form that the user visited. When the user performs the action on the element to which this task is applied, the app takes the user to the previous form. To apply the Previous Form task:

Phone Call

You can use this task to open a phone call screen that displays the pre-configured phone number where the user can initiate an outgoing call. To apply the Phone Call task: List/Box Description Action Source Click this list to select any of the following values:1. Fixed If you select this value, you can type the… Continue reading Phone Call


You can apply this task to open a message screen that the app user can use to send messages to different recipients. When this task executes, it opens the message screen. The message screen displays the pre-configured message that you can send to different recipients. To apply the Message task: Box/List Description Action Source Click… Continue reading Message