When a user accesses a website, the server creates a session between the user and the application. The server maintains the session by assigning a unique session ID to it. This session ID manages user related data on the server or server-linked database. When the “Clear Server Session” task is executed, it clears the session… Continue reading Clear Server Session
Category: vDesigner
You can use this task to resume a session-specific journey in an application. For example:- Assume you are on an application page. Thus, you navigate to a login page from the current page. After you successfully log in, the “Finish” task will take you to the same page from where you navigated to the login… Continue reading Finish
Configuring Action on Card
This function allows you to configure an action on the list of the card. You can configure the action on the list horizontally or vertically. You can incorporate a phone book, delete function, and other usable action items. To configure an action on the list: Field Description Action Sub Type Click this list to select:… Continue reading Configuring Action on Card
Define a Card
You define the card to determine the layout in which the list displays the data. To define the card, perform the following functions: Box/List Description Attribute ID In this field, enter the attribute ID (For example: – ID or PCT). In the attribute ID, the list holds specific value and then displays it in the… Continue reading Define a Card
Clear Local Session
This task clears the session from the memory of the user’s device. You can use this functionality to implement several logics. For example:- You can use this functionality to clear the current local session and then ask the user access the app by using device-level login. To use this functionality proficiently, you need to understand… Continue reading Clear Local Session
List View
When you configure a dashboard card, you can determine which list the card will display after the mobile app uploads the dashboard. You can achieve same objective by applying the List View task. When this task executes, it displays the list as a result of user-action. When you configure the List View task, you also… Continue reading List View
Validate Form
You can use this task to build and apply a validation rule at the form level. When you configure this task, you can also configure a message that the app displays if the validation rule is satisfied. When a user performs the function in the form, the validation rule checks the user’s function. If the… Continue reading Validate Form
JSON Reset
You can apply this task to clear the JSON object. You can apply this task anywhere in the mobile app workflow. It means that you can clear the data of any absolute JSON path or array-type JSON object. When you configure this task, it allows you to clear the JSON object at the control level.… Continue reading JSON Reset
Clear Control Data
This task is used to clear the current data of specific control or group of controls. You can apply this task on form or page level. When the Clear Control Data task executes, it clears the current data of controls and elements by replacing it with the NULL value that is enclosed by double quotes… Continue reading Clear Control Data
This task is applied to capture the location of the mobile phone. When this task executes, it captures the latitude and longitude coordinates of the current location of the mobile phone and stores them in the configured JSON object. To apply the location task: Box Description Absolute JSON Path In this box, enter the JSON… Continue reading Location