Vahana Academy

Open Third Party App

This task allows you to open third party apps on your device. To successfully open the third party app, the app must be installed on your device. Steps to Configure Property Description Mandatory Reference Name In this box, enter the name of the task. Also the system generates a reference name by default. Yes Deep… Continue reading Open Third Party App

Popup Page

When you add a page to the application, you can design a page as a page or a popup page. You can add a popup page to get the user input, generate leads, provide information to the user, etc. After you add a page to the application, the Page Properties panel to the right of… Continue reading Popup Page


In the vDesigner module, a page is a basic building block. You can use a page to create an application page. In the vDesigner module, a page is treated as a component. You can add a page as a page or popup page. At the component-level, you can configure different properties in a page under… Continue reading Page

Text Area

The “Text Area” element is a multi-line text-input control. In the text area element, you can enter multiple lines. You can use the text area to get the descriptive and multi-lines input from the user. While the text box element allows the user to enter single line input (text), the user can enter the input… Continue reading Text Area


The “Carousel” element is a rotating banner or slideshow that displays the content in a navigated slides or banners. It allows you to manually slide through the images or slides of text, or it plays them automatically. You can use the carousel element to display images, products, and promotions on the home page. You can… Continue reading Carousel

Clear Server Session

When a user accesses a website, the server creates a session between the user and the application. The server maintains the session by assigning a unique session ID to it. This session ID manages user related data on the server or server-linked database. When the “Clear Server Session” task is executed, it clears the session… Continue reading Clear Server Session


You can use this task to resume a session-specific journey in an application. For example:- Assume you are on an application page. Thus, you navigate to a login page from the current page. After you successfully log in, the “Finish” task will take you to the same page from where you navigated to the login… Continue reading Finish


You can use this task to configure an API on the component or element. When you configure the API, you define the request and response parameters to exchange the required data between the front-end application and server. You can configure the API in the following scenarios: To configure the API task: Property Description Name In… Continue reading API

Download As Zip

This task allows the user to download multiple documents in ZIP format. To configure the Download As Zip task: Property/Field Description ZIP Id In this field, enter a unique ZIP Id. This ZIP Id serves as a unique identifier when the user downloads the ZIP folder of several documents. ZIP Object Primary Key In this… Continue reading Download As Zip

Download Excel

When you apply this task, it allows the user to download the table’s data in Excel format. To configure the Download Excel task: Property/Field Description Set Title In this field, enter the title of the file that you will download in Excel format from the application. Enter Columns to mapped In this field, enter the… Continue reading Download Excel