After you build a custom function, you can apply it to the related scenario. To implement an application behavior, you can create a custom function. You can apply multiple custom functions to design the application behavior on different pages. To apply the custom function, you need to configure the Invoke Function in the task group.… Continue reading Applying a Custom Function
Category: Design
Invoke Function
When this task executes, it invokes a custom function. You write the code of a custom function in JavaScript. To know more about a custom function, visit the Creating a Custom Function post. The custom function contains a complex logic or algorithm to perform a function or task on the related application page. To configure… Continue reading Invoke Function
Creating a Custom Function
In the Cutsom Function submodule, creating a custom function includes several small sub-steps. It provides intuitive and clean user interfaces to define a custom function. After you create a custom function, you can test it. When you want to use a custom function, you can consume it by using the Invoke Function task. Creating a… Continue reading Creating a Custom Function
An Introduction to Custom Function
The vDesigner module offers the “Custom Function” feature as a full-fledged sub-module under the Widget category. Other widget-based modules are Business Rule Manager, Display Message, and Task Group. In the vDesigner module, you can use many features to impart a dynamic aspect or functional behavior to an element, a set of elements, a page, or… Continue reading An Introduction to Custom Function
Under the Inventory menu, the Page section allows you to view and manage all the pages that you have created in the application. As discussed in the An Introduction to Inventory post, you can perform the following functions related to a page: This functionality ensures that you efficiently manage existing and new pages in the… Continue reading Pages
An Introduction to Inventory
In the vFlow 2.0 module, the Inventory section primarily displays and create the list of different entities category-wise at the app level. The Inventory section contains the following categories: Note: All the above categories are explained under the Entities category, as they are collectively referred as Entities in the vFlow 2.0. After you click a… Continue reading An Introduction to Inventory
In the vDesigner module, the NFC term means Near Field Communication. NFC is a set of communication protocols that allows you to establish communication between two electronic devices at a maximum distance of four centimeters or less. The vDesigner module incorporates NFC as a task. The NFC task is also based on the NFC set… Continue reading NFC
Page Level Inventory
On the Configurator menu, Inventory is the section that, when a page is created, displays a page-specific set of items that has already been mapped to the related page. Separately reviewing each page during or after its creation simplifies the process of making changes, identifying bugs, and checking mapped elements independently, without overhauling the entire… Continue reading Page Level Inventory
Introduction to Data In the vFlow module, Data is mechanism that you can use for the following purposes: To fetch, store, or validate the data at the application level, you can use one of the following data binding mechanisms: vFlow 2.0 incorporates the Data module as a separate functional layer. You can access the Data… Continue reading Data
Adding a Component
To design a page based on the planned design strategies and wireframes, you can add the components to the columns in a page layout. In a single row, you can add multiple columns and then add components to each column. In this scheme of layout design, a page layout will have multiple vertical panels in… Continue reading Adding a Component