Vahana Academy

Fetch Media

This task fetches media from a specified file path or DMS (Document Management Server) and stores it in a specific location. When you configure this task, you also define an output location. After it fetches the media, it stores it in the output location. Steps to Configure PropertyName Description Mandatory Reference Name The reference name… Continue reading Fetch Media

File Picker

This task picks one or more files from the end user’s device and then stores them in a configured location. When you configure the File Picker task, you also configure a file storage location. After the File Picker task picks the file from the user’s device, it stores it in the configured location. If you… Continue reading File Picker

Key Value

The Key Value element is designed to display paired data sets, with each item represented by a key-value pair. It enables structured data display where each key is associated with a specific value, making it ideal for scenarios requiring an organized presentation of related information. Common Use Cases Its Configuration The element’s configuration in vFlow… Continue reading Key Value

Categorized as Design

Functions Data Type

The vDesigner module provides several in-built data types to impart computational capabilities to the application designed in it. You can use these data types when you use vDesigner functions to implement application-related functionalities. You use vDesigner functions to create a business rule, configure a task, and in other activities. The vDesigner module provides the following… Continue reading Functions Data Type

Haptic Feedback

You can apply this task to impart the characteristic of the tactile sensation (sense of touch) to the application. By using the tactile sensation, the application interacts with the user through the sense of touch (vibration, forces, or motions). For instance:- When you get a notification on your phone, it vibrates to alert you. The… Continue reading Haptic Feedback

Get Enum Object

Introduction The GETENUMOBJ function fetches the data from a mapped enumeration or enum type or object. After the GETENUMOBJ function fetches the data from the enum type, you can use it as follows: Apart from these functional scenarios, you can use the enum data in several functional requirements. For instance, you can collaboratively use the… Continue reading Get Enum Object


You can use the ISEMPTY function to check if an element, attribute, system variable, or other object type contains no value or is empty. If the ISEMPTY function finds that an element, attribute, system variable, or other object type is empty, it returns the true Boolean value. If the ISEMPTY function finds that an element,… Continue reading ISEMPTY


This function checks characters in a string-type value. When you use the ISNUMERIC() function to check characters in a string, you can fetch the string from an attribute or element. If it finds that the string contains numeric characters, it returns the true Boolean value. If it finds that the string does not contain numeric characters, it returns the false Boolean… Continue reading ISNUMERIC


This function checks characters in a string-type value. When you use the ISALPHANUMERIC() function to check characters in a string, you can fetch the string from an attribute or element. If it finds that the string contains only alphanumeric characters, it returns the true Boolean value. If it finds that the string contains only alphabets or numeric… Continue reading ISALPHANUMERIC