Entity Level Data Model

Screen (a)
The Screen (a) displays the data model of the ID Generator. In vDesigner, the ID Generator module allows you to configure the new rule that creates a unique ID after the Load New Object task executes. This ID is commonly used to track the journey of lead, view the communication logs that are created as a result of lead’s journey, etc.
To access and view the data model of the ID Generator module, you need to click the idGeneratorArray object, it expands and then displays the details of ID generator rule that the vDesigner application user configures to create unique ID. In the details of data model, the COMPONENT_TYPE attribute stores the type of component.
In the (Screen (a)), the value that is stored in the COMPONENT_TYPE attribute specifies that the type of component is ID Generator.
In the data model (Screen (a)), the CURRENT_OBJECT attribute stores the configuration details of ID generator rule. In the configuration details, the GROUP_NAME attribute (For example: – POD) contains the name of entity for which the ID rule is configured. The GEN_RULE attribute stores the formula that is configured to create the unique ID.
In the GEN_RULE attribute, the formula: A+[LOGIN_ID]+[DATETIME] creates a unique ID after the LOAD NEW OBJECT task executes as a result of user action. The PADDING_TYPE attribute stores the hardcoded value: LEFT, which means that the ID generator rule will start to create the unique ID from the left side.
Another array type JSON object: entityRelationshipsAray contains the details of different entities and the relationships between them. After you click the entityRelationshipsAray object, it expands and then displays the configuration details of entities and the relationships between them. The following (Screen (b)) displays:
- The details of different entities, including parent and child entities
- The details of relationships that are established between parent entity and child entity

Screen (b)
The CURRENT_OBJECT attribute stores the configuration details of parent and child entities and relationship between parent and child entities. In the configuration details, the Entity_name attribute stores the name of entity. The PRIMARY_ATTRIBUTE attribute/key stores the path of array where the data is stored.
The path of array (For example: – $.POD or $.POD.DUPLICATE[[].ID) contains the name of JSON object (For example: – POD, DUPLICATE). In the path of array, POD and DUPLICATE are declared as array type JSON objects that store data record consisting different data values. While defining the path of array, you can declare the “ID†variable, which stores the value of unique ID that is created when the LOAD NEW OBJECT task executes as a result of user action.
Under CURRENT_OBJECT, the PARENT_OBJECT_NAME attribute stores the name of the parent object, while the CHILD_OBJECT_NAME attribute stores the name of the child object. The RELATION attribute stores the value: 1*N. This value denotes one-to-many relationship between parent and child object.
In the configuration details of objects’ relationship, the ASSOCIATE_ATTR_ARRAY attribute stores the path of array: $.POD.DUPLICATE[]. In the $.POD.DUPLICATE[] array path, the POD object refers to another object: DUPLICATE[]. This reference scheme specifies that POD has been defined as a parent object to the DUPLICATE[] array.