Assets Manager is a smart web based virtual space dashboard that allows you to import and export the following items (file types): In the Assets Manager module, these items are referred to as “assets“. You can use these assets in those web applications and mobile apps that you design and develop by using the vDesigner… Continue reading Assets Manager
The “Dropdown” element allows the user to select the single option from the list of options that the dropdown element displays. For example: – You can include the dropdown list to let the user select a state from the list of states. Usage When to use Use the drop down list in the searching options… Continue reading Dropdown
Creating Business Rule
Introduction In the vDesigner module, the business rule manager is used to create a new business rule. In the business rule manager, the application user implements a logic by defining the expression-based conditions or by using vDesigner functions. When a business rule is executed, the application checks if the user’s action satisfies the condition in… Continue reading Creating Business Rule