In the Recent Logs tab, this section displays the error related to an API. When you click the Error tab, the dashboard displays two text areas as follows: Detailed Error:- This section displays the error that the application raises at the code level when it processes the API request. In the screen capture, the ‘537’… Continue reading Error
Request Trace
In the Recent Logs tab, this tab-based section depicts the total time that the API takes to process the request and then return the response. The Request Trace tab displays the time consumption in the form of a horizontal bar chart. Under the Request Trace tab, the dashboard displays the different timeframes that different services… Continue reading Request Trace
Viewing Service Logs
In the View Detailed Logs module, this feature allows you to view details of service logs. When you access the View Detailed Logs module, its dashboard displays the list of different services that the client application environment has invoked. In the list, when you click a service, the dashboard displays the broad-level details of service… Continue reading Viewing Service Logs
Introduction (View Detailed Logs)
View Detailed Logs is a web based API call tracing tool. You can access the View Detailed Logs module to view and observe the API’s request and response data. You can apply several filters to view and observe a specific set of call logs. You can use the following filter-based criteria to search and view… Continue reading Introduction (View Detailed Logs)
Viewing Portal
The vScheduler viewing portal allows you to access the details of the scheduled jobs. In the details of the scheduled jobs, you can view: You can access the details of scheduled jobs as follows: Viewing Details of a Job On the Job Listing page, when you click a specific job, it allows you to view… Continue reading Viewing Portal
Adding New User
In the vScheduler’s execution portal, this feature allows you to add a new user. After you add a new user, the vScheduler module sends the alert to the user after it runs the scheduled job. To add a new user: Field Description Name In this field, enter the user’s name. Email In this field, enter… Continue reading Adding New User
Scheduling Service on Execution Portal
On the Execution portal, you can schedule a vConnect service as follows: Property/Field Description Job Name In this field, enter the job’s name (for example:- SCHEDULER_CLEAN_OBJECT). Job Description In this field, enter a brief job’s description. Configure Service Workflow (Job Scheduler Type area) In the Job Scheduler Type area, select this option Single Service (Job… Continue reading Scheduling Service on Execution Portal
vScheduler Introduction
On the Vahana portal, you can use the vScheduler module to schedule the vConnect service. After you schedule a vConnect service, it performs the intended function at the scheduled time. The vScheduler module has two portals:
You can use this task to configure an API on the component or element. When you configure the API, you define the request and response parameters to exchange the required data between the front-end application and server. You can configure the API in the following scenarios: To configure the API task: Property Description Name In… Continue reading API
Download As Zip
This task allows the user to download multiple documents in ZIP format. To configure the Download As Zip task: Property/Field Description ZIP Id In this field, enter a unique ZIP Id. This ZIP Id serves as a unique identifier when the user downloads the ZIP folder of several documents. ZIP Object Primary Key In this… Continue reading Download As Zip