Download Excel

When you apply this task, it allows the user to download the table’s data in Excel format. To configure the Download Excel task: Property/Field Description Set Title In this field, enter the title of the file that you will download in Excel format from the application. Enter Columns to mapped In this field, enter the… Continue reading Download Excel

Generate SSO Token

You can use this task to generate a SSO token. The SSO (Single Sign-On) token lets the user access the application without password. The SSO token contains a collection of data that one system sends to another during the SSO process. In the collection of data, the SSO token can include the user’s email address… Continue reading Generate SSO Token


You can use the Sync task to sync the application-level configuration between the front-end application and the index database. To configure the Sync task: Property/Field Description Sync LOV Data Select this check box to sync the list of values at the application-level. In the application, the list of values is displayed in the dropdown list,… Continue reading Sync


You can use this task to make a page, component, element, row, and other entities downloadable in the application. To configure the Print task: Property/Field Description Type Click this list and then select one of the following entities that you want to make downloadable in the application:1. Page2. Component3. Element4. Row5. Column6. Document Note:- If… Continue reading Print


You can use this task to integrate a web view component with the application. The web view component is an in-app browser utility that has the limited capabilities of the Internet browser. To configure the Webview task: Property/Field Description URL In this field, enter the URL string (for example:- that the web view component… Continue reading Webview


You can use this task to implement the logout feature in the application. To configure the Logout task: Field Description Name In this field, enter the task’s name (For example:- logout_tsk). Sequence In this field, enter a numeric value (For example:- 1, 2, or 3). This value specifies the sequence number. The task will execute at… Continue reading Logout


You can apply this task to implement the login functionality in the application. When this task is executed, it invokes the Auth_Vahana service to authenticate the login request. The Auth_Vahana service captures the request details and then validates the login details. To implement the login functionality, four types of parameters are configured: To configure the… Continue reading Authentication

Fetch Media Object

You can use this task to fetch the media object from the S3 server. When this task is executed, it fetches the media file from the S3 server and then displays it to the user. To fetch a specific media or a specific set of media files, the Fetch Media Object task provides several identifiers.… Continue reading Fetch Media Object

BR Validation

You can apply this task to implement the decision-based application function. When you configure this task, you need to create a business rule. In the business rule, you need to define a condition. When this task is executed, the user-specific function is checked against the condition in the business rule. If the business rule’s condition… Continue reading BR Validation

Child Invisibility

You can apply this task to replace a child entity with another on a specific page. To replace a child entity, you need to configure the page layout, row and column indices, and component IDs of the old and new entities. To configure the Child Invisibility task: Property Description Source Under Source, you need to… Continue reading Child Invisibility