Text (FV Component)

Specific Properties In the vFlow module, you can find the “text” element at many places. First, you can find the “text” element in the “FV” component. You can also find the “text” element in the “Form” component. In the “FV” component, the “text” element works the simple text (string based value) that you can display… Continue reading Text (FV Component)

vFlow Components

Introduction This post mainly focuses on two vFlow entities: Components and Elements. As described earlier in the post: An Introduction to vFlow, the “component” entity works as a container in the vFlow module. The vFlow module incorporates several components. You can see these components in the left panel in the vFlow module’s dashboard. Each component… Continue reading vFlow Components

Web View

The Web View element allows the end user to open a web page instantly from an app only by tapping the link. It is a quick web view that provides the limited browsing functionalities as a sub-process of the app. Usage When to Use Use the web view to:–> Display rich content instantly.–> Display general… Continue reading Web View


Security is one of the important modules of Vahana Cloud. It allows you to build the security access policies for the application that you design in vDesigner. Before publishing a mobile app, you need to define the access policies.  While defining the access policy for an application, you can define several session related timeframes, requirements… Continue reading Security