Clear Server Session

When a user accesses a website, the server creates a session between the user and the application. The server maintains the session by assigning a unique session ID to it. This session ID manages user related data on the server or server-linked database. When the “Clear Server Session” task is executed, it clears the session… Continue reading Clear Server Session


You can use this task to resume a session-specific journey in an application. For example:- Assume you are on an application page. Thus, you navigate to a login page from the current page. After you successfully log in, the “Finish” task will take you to the same page from where you navigated to the login… Continue reading Finish

Recent Failures

When an API fails to send the response as expected or does not respond, the Vahana cloud generates audit logs related to the API’s failure. This section displays the list of audit logs related to an API’s failure. The audit logs include the following: Column Description Service Name It displays the service’s name. The client… Continue reading Recent Failures

Recent Errors

In the View Detailed Logs module, this section displays the list of audit logs. The audit logs briefly display the error details related to an API call. The error details include the following: Column Description System Name It displays the service’s name. API Name It displays the controller’s name. When the client application invokes an… Continue reading Recent Errors

Stack Trace

This section allows you to directly access application code to trace the debug point and then fix the issue. By using the “Stack Trace” screen, you do not need to access the back-end layer and then fix the issue.

Text Payload

This section displays the debug logs. The debug logs allow the application users to diagnose the error in the application code. In the View Detailed Logs module, this is the on-demand functionality. If the application user needs to use this functionality, it is made available to the user on-demand. Commonly, this feature remains inactive in… Continue reading Text Payload


In the Recent Logs tab, this section displays the error related to an API. When you click the Error tab, the dashboard displays two text areas as follows: Detailed Error:- This section displays the error that the application raises at the code level when it processes the API request. In the screen capture, the ‘537’… Continue reading Error

Request Trace

In the Recent Logs tab, this tab-based section depicts the total time that the API takes to process the request and then return the response. The Request Trace tab displays the time consumption in the form of a horizontal bar chart. Under the Request Trace tab, the dashboard displays the different timeframes that different services… Continue reading Request Trace