Configuring Environment

Introduction In the “Environments” module, the environment component is used to host product applications and services. In an environment, you develop a front-end application, back-end services, and do other functions. To develop a software application, you either use the default SAND_BOX environment or create a custom environment. If you plan to work with a custom… Continue reading Configuring Environment

Configuring Vahana Run Time

Introduction VRT, which is also named Vahana Run Time, works as a runtime environment where a front-end application or a backend service runs. You can run an application or execute a back-end service to test and monitor its performance, or an application can also runs in the production environment. When you access the Environments module… Continue reading Configuring Vahana Run Time

An Introduction to Environments

Overview On the Vahana platform, you can use the Environments module to create three following items: Based on your functional requirement, you can choose a specific environment type. Note:- When you access the Environments module for the first time through the middleware application, it provides a default environment, SAND_BOX, and a default VRT with the… Continue reading An Introduction to Environments

Viewing Sync Status

Introduction This feature allows you to view the current status of the “Sync” activity for the specific service or application module. The “Sync” activity can have any of the two statuses: Pending or Success. The “Pending” status means that the changes that you incorporate into the application module in the respective branch are yet to… Continue reading Viewing Sync Status

Deployment History

Introduction This module allows you to access and view the details of the deployment. The deployment details include the followings: Each time you deploy a branch into a specific environment, the Release Manager captures the deployment details and then helps you access them by using the “Deployment History” feature. This feature helps you access the… Continue reading Deployment History

Branch Management

Introduction This feature allows you to create, manage, and edit the branches. In the Release Manager application, a branch is created out of the master branch. As described in the heading section: Release Manager Overview, you create three types of branches from the master branch: Hotfix branch, Deployment branch, and backup branch. The backup is… Continue reading Branch Management

Release Manager Features

Features The Release Manager application offers the following features: Release Management This module allows you to: Branch Management This module allows you to: Deployment History This module allows you to: View Sync Status This module allows you to:

Release Manager Overview

Overview Release Manager is a web based application that is integrated with Vahana 2.0 cloud platform. Based on the concept of GITHub, Release Manager is a code hosting and the version controlling and management application. It helps you work and manage multiple versions of the application/service or module. Prior to the development of the Release… Continue reading Release Manager Overview

Data Source

Definition A data source is a is front-end incorporated data storage layer. It is not a RDBMS (Relational Database Management System). The data source binds the data to an entity. The data storage is used to manage the data. When the user enters the data in the application and then submits it, the data is… Continue reading Data Source