The vConnect module has the following components: Connectors In the vConnect module, the connector is one of the main components. It helps you configure third-party APIs, database services, etc. The vConnect module incorporates a UI-enabled configurator that helps you configure multiple APIs and databases. Post successful configuration, the Vahana platform incorporated APIs and applications can… Continue reading vConnect Components
Introduction to vConnect
The vConnect module is a Vahana cloud incorporated web based portal. In the Vahana cloud platform, it works as a smart and scalable middleware that allows you to integrate the front-end application with the back-end service via the API call (Invocation) mechanism. The vConnect module is based on the light-weight micro-service architecture. It allows you… Continue reading Introduction to vConnect
This feature allows you to configure DB (Database) APIs. The DB APIs are the database store procedures or functions. These store procedure and functions contain a SQL statement that connects with the database and returns the result. To create a DB API, you access a database client such as Oracle, MYSQL, or Postgres SQL. In… Continue reading Database
Configuring End Point Header Details
In the API Management module, this feature allows you to define the parameters that the API request’s header section contains. The header parameters are used for authentication purposes. The header parameters provide complete information about the source of the API request. While integrating an API with the vConnect module, configuring header details is not a… Continue reading Configuring End Point Header Details
Selecting Source of Value
You perform this activity several times. When you configure multi-part parameters, template body parameters, or query and path parameters, you select the source of value. The source of value specifies the source location from where the vConnect module fetches the data. Based on the source of value, you configure the API parameters and determine the… Continue reading Selecting Source of Value
Configuring Dynamic Query Variables
The query parameters are appended as an optional key-value pair to the URL string. In the URL string, the query parameters are used to determine the location of a specific resource. The query parameters are appended to the URL string after the question mark character (?). In the query parameter, multiple parameters separated by the… Continue reading Configuring Dynamic Query Variables
Configuring Dynamic Path Variables
This feature allows you to configure the path parameters in the API request. The path parameters are part of the end-point URL and point to a specific resource. They are enclosed by curly braces {}. For instance: – If you want to find a specific resource based on its ID, you can use the path… Continue reading Configuring Dynamic Path Variables
Mapping Template Body Parameters
You can use this feature when you want to define the body of the API request. When you want to get the data from the server, you issue the API request in the form of a URL string. The Get-type request does not have a request body. When you want to update or create data… Continue reading Mapping Template Body Parameters
Configuring API Usage via Proxy (Optional Step)
This feature allows you to establish the connection with the end point via proxy-based authentication mechanism. To configure the usage of API via proxy:
Configuring Timeouts Properties (Optional Step)
The timeout properties are configured in “Seconds” (unit of time). If the API execution exceeds the timeout value, the API will show the error. To configure the timeout properties: