In the vDesigner module, a page is a basic building block. You can use a page to create an application page. In the vDesigner module, a page is treated as a component. You can add a page as a page or popup page. At the component-level, you can configure different properties in a page under… Continue reading Page
Text Area
The “Text Area” element is a multi-line text-input control. In the text area element, you can enter multiple lines. You can use the text area to get the descriptive and multi-lines input from the user. While the text box element allows the user to enter single line input (text), the user can enter the input… Continue reading Text Area
The “Carousel” element is a rotating banner or slideshow that displays the content in a navigated slides or banners. It allows you to manually slide through the images or slides of text, or it plays them automatically. You can use the carousel element to display images, products, and promotions on the home page. You can… Continue reading Carousel
Test Template
In the vConnect module, this feature allows you to test the functionality of the request or response template. To test a template, you need the two following items: When the “Test Template” function is executed, it uses the code of the key/value pairs to test the logic of the template and then provides the result.… Continue reading Test Template
Database Connection
This function allows you to configure a database connection. After you configure a database connection, you need to select it when you configure a DB (database) API. The database connection enables the DB API to connect to the database and perform the following functions: The DB API contains the SQL query. The DB API executes… Continue reading Database Connection
Exporting an API as a Service
After you add one or more APIs to a service, you need to publish the API. To publish an API, you export it as a service. Exporting an API as a service means that you are exposing the API as a service on the configured end-point URL. If you do not export an API as… Continue reading Exporting an API as a Service
API Registration
This feature allows you to add one or more APIs to a service. If you add more than one API to the service, you need to define the sequence to execute APIs sequentially. Based on configured sequence, the APIs will execute in a specific sequence or order. The sequential execution pattern of the multiple APIs… Continue reading API Registration
Service Details
In the vConnect module, this function allows you to define a service. While creating or adding a new service on the vConnect module, it is recommended that you first define a service and its details, and then register one or more APIs. To define a service and its details: Box/List Description Service Name In this… Continue reading Service Details
vConnect Dashboard
The Vahana web portal allows you to access all the Vahana incorporated resources, including vDesigner, vConnect, Release Manager, vLog, etc. To access all these applications, you do not need to log in separately. The Vahana portal offers the single sign-on facility to its registered user. After the user successfully accesses the Vahana portal, the user… Continue reading vConnect Dashboard
Accessing vConnect Portal
In the Vahana cloud portal, you can access the vConnect module through the middleware application. To access the vConnect module, when you click a middleware application, it takes you to the middleware portal’s dashboard. On the dashboard, you can access the vConnect module. After you access the vConnect module, you can perform several functions to… Continue reading Accessing vConnect Portal