You can access the details of a standard role. When you access the details of a role, you can see permissions that are available under the role and a list of members. The current role is assigned to these members. You can view the details of a role as follows: To view the details of… Continue reading Viewing Role Details
An Introduction to Roles
The IAM module contains the following standard inbuit roles: You can assign these roles to the workspace member so that he or she can access one or more resources and perform the intended functions. A role defines a functional scope for a member, which means what types of functions a member can perform on different… Continue reading An Introduction to Roles
Bulk Invite
<<To be authored and published soon>>
You can use the Exception feature to allow or deny a user-action on one or a maximum of two permissions. The permission specifies an action (for example, Download APK or Sync/Export) that a user can perform on the resource. You can apply an exception at the following levels: User Level:- When you apply an exception… Continue reading Exception
Copy and Assign Role
In the IAM module, this functionality allows you to copy and then assign all roles of a member to another member. You can copy and assign roles as follows: To copy and assign roles: List Description Copy roles from Click this list, and then select a user’s name. In this list, you select a user… Continue reading Copy and Assign Role
Managing User Profile
This feature allows you to manage the member’s profile. While managing the member’s profile, you can edit, disable, or delete the profile. You can manage the member’s profile as follows: To manage the member’s profile: Functionality Description Edit Click Edit to edit the user’s profile. When you edit the user’s profile, you can:a. Change the… Continue reading Managing User Profile
Changing Member’s Status
You can change the member’s status when you access the member’s profile. When you add a member to your workspace, the member is added as an active (enabled) member. With the “enabled” profile’s status, the member can access and perform functions on resources based on the assigned role and permissions. If you turn the profile’s… Continue reading Changing Member’s Status
Viewing Member’s Details
In the IAM module, you can view the details of a member by clicking the record of a member on the Teams page. To view the member’s details:
Invite Member
This function allows you to send an invitation request to a user. After you invite the user, the IAM module sends the invitation request to the user’s mail ID, and then the user is added as a member. To invite a member: Box/List Description Email Address In this box, enter the user’s email ID. After… Continue reading Invite Member
An Introduction to Identity Access Management
IAM (Identity Access Management) allows you to assign a role or a set of roles to the Vahana cloud user so that s/he can only access required resources to perform the intended functions. It helps you design a role-based functional scope for the Vahana cloud user. It controls the user’s access to the resources, protects… Continue reading An Introduction to Identity Access Management